A XenForo developer for your project.

In need of an XF programmer?

I have over 15 years of experience working with clients on a variety of PHP projects, ranging from developing complete web applications to modifying existing functionality on popular CMS's.

I have extensive coding practice building add-ons and adding features to XenForo, as well as synchronizing and integrating it with other software and services (WordPress, Joomla, Discord.. Google Cloud Translation, Sumsub user verification etc).

I've also done a large amount of work modifying and building on other major add-ons (e.g. XenForo Importers, XFMG, DragonByte eCommerce, Siropu Ads Manager).

I can do the work for you.

A few examples of XF add-ons I programmed:

Site translation add-on

XenForo to WordPress user synchronization add-ons

Title Ladder Gems

Censored Posts Reporter

Wait Time Between Reactions

Latest Threads WordPress Widget

You can contact me at if you want to see a more detailed client sites portfolio.

What you will receive:

Feel free to contact me at describing the project you have in mind!

Talk soon, Gigi.

XenForo freelancer